Alerta do Google - Texas Police

Texas Police
Atualização assim que ocorre 20 de julho de 2016
Brownsville Herald
(AP) — A Kansas City, Kansas, police officer was shot and killed on ... on edge after ambush attacks left eight officers dead in Texas and Louisiana.
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The news about Texas' growth and prosperity just doesn't make sense. ... That's how the system is supposed to work, with police supervisors taking ...
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KRIS Corpus Christi News
ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - An Arlington police dog has died of apparent ... A police statement says K9 Mojo died at an Arlington veterinary hospital ...
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There are 24 new recruits in class today at the East Texas Police Academy. They started Monday, and they have months of training ahead of them in ...
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The Atlantic
"The police officers in Texas know without question, regardless of their political party, that they have my support, and I have their back," Patrick, ...
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Child Care Assistance Laredo Texas Police Department
child-care-assistance-laredo-texas-police-Results 1- 10 of 858 Child Care Assistance Laredo Texas Police Academy.
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Video shows Texas police officer swept away by flash flood
Video shows Texas police officer swept away by flash flood. Newly released surveillance video shows Southern Methodist University cop trying to get ...
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