Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 1 de junho de 2016
Fox News
During four days of torrential rain last week, at least six people died in floods in Texas. Scott Overpeck, a National Weather Service meteorologist, said ...
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Texas is used to sandstorms, but not haboobs. When the U.S. National Weather Service of Lubbock, Texas, posted a photo on Facebook saying "A ...
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In this case, most of the disruptive weather will be rain, very heavy at times, which may cause flash flooding to occur in East Texas. As tropical moisture ...
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Wind shear is a weather phenomenon that results in a sudden burst of wind over a short distance. It can occur either horizontally or vertically. Tropical ...
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DESSAU, TX 78753 Weather
DESSAU, TEXAS (TX) 78753 local weather forecast and current conditions, radar, satellite loops, severe weather warnings, long range forecast.
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