Alerta do Google - Texas State

Texas State
Atualização assim que ocorre 23 de maio de 2016
You could see some of the signs when Texas Republicans held their ... On the eve of election day in 22 state runoff races — 16 of them following the ...
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Adding to a litany of recent complaints against the state's standardized test for schoolchildren, a group of parents are suing to bar Texas from counting ...
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Texas Monthly (subscription)
Mark Cuban throws his hat in the veep ring, golden boy George P. gets in trouble, and a study finds Texas teens too out of shape for military service.
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The Hill (blog)
The convention awarded 40 of the state's 41 elected delegate slots for the Republican National Convention to Ted Cruz, who dropped his presidential ...
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Land-Grant Holy Land
A pair of Longhorn State prospects made the trek to Columbus over the ... Wanting to take more trips, the 6 foot 3 inch, 230-pound Kennedale, Texas ...
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Delegate allocation -- how the results of each state contest translates into delegate counts -- is ... Many state-level Republicans favored Texas Sen.
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