Alerta do Google - Texas Weather

Texas Weather
Atualização assim que ocorre 25 de abril de 2016
The end of April and early May are historically the peak of severe weather season and this week may hold to form. North Texas is expected to see ...
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LOS ANGELES, April 25, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- As rain, hail, wind and other severe weather continues to pummel the state of Texas during the month ...
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Firsthand Weather
By WEATHER UNDERGROUND April 25, 2016 4:31 am ... low of 10 degrees at Mt. Washington, N.H. to a high of 89 degrees at Midland, Texas.
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AUSTIN, Texas -- Inclement weather caused Texas to halt its April 16 spring after the first half, but victory-starved Longhorns fans still got a plenty good ...
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Times Record News
Overall, the SPC has designated risk areas from the Texas Big Bend area into central Nebraska. Risks on Tuesday will included very large hail, strong ...
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Jeanie Jaramillo is managing director of the Texas Panhandle Poison Center and an assistant professor at Texas Tech University Health Sciences ...
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Above-normal temperatures from Pennsylvania to Texas will give way to ... Gas surged to a 10-week high on Friday on speculation that hot weather ...
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